In-Depth Overview of the Rent Module

Rental options


  1. Menu: Allows you to refresh the screen or go into fullscreen mode.
  2. Display mode: Allows you to see information based on the Invoice, Item or Payment.
  3. Navigate: Allows you to see the rentals currently active based on the categories you have created.
  4. Perform search: Allows you to perform a specific search for an item that has been rented.
  5. View details: Allows you to see and validate the information for a rental invoice, such as the number of items that have been rented.
  6. Rental return: Allows you to notify the system that a client is ready to return an item.
  7. Filter results: Allows you to search for an invoice based on more specific criteria such as the employee that made the invoice, the date, its status, etc.
  8. Display notes: Allows you to see all the notes linked to a specific invoice.
  9. Preview the invoice: Allows you to view the invoice.
  10. Print...: Prints out the invoice.
  11. View customer: A shortcut that brings you directly back to the Contact module to the profile of the client or company.
  12. Edit invoice: Allows you to modify items in the rental invoice. 
  13. Cash Drawer Summary: View the summary of the cash register where the rental transaction was done.
  14. Cancel invoice: Allows you to cancel the rental invoice.
  15. Refresh: Allows you to refresh the view of the module to ensure the information is up to date.
  16. Export list: Allows you to export a list of all active rentals.
Remember to always refresh the view when loading up a module in order to display the most up to date information.


  1. Invoice #: Invoice number.
  2. Date: Date the invoice was created.
  3. Already (Days) Days since the item was rented.
  4. Return: Return date for the rental.
  5. Item #: Item number.
  6. Category: Category of the item.
  7. E: Will indicate if there is an error with the rental.
  8. Mode: Type of invoice, in this case, it would be a Rental.
  9. Item name: Name of the rented item.
  10. Index code: Index code of the rented item.
  11. Serial number: Serial number of the rented item.
  12. N/U: Indicated if the item is New or Used.
  13. Refund qty: Quantity of items you refunded if a refund occurred. 
  14. Rent: Rental price of the item.
  15. Cost: Cost of the item being rented.
  16. Gross  profit: Your gross profit on the rental.
  17. Deposit: Total deposit on the item, if a deposit was given.
  18. Item note: Note about an item carried out by an employee.
  19. Item internal note: Internal note about an item that is only visible by other Alice POS users.
  20. Invoice note: You can put a note on the invoice visible by the client.
  21. Invoice internal note: You can put a note on the invoice not visible by the client but visible by other Alice POS users.
  22. Customer: Client's name.