Configuring your semi-integrated Moneris iPP320 terminal

Alice POS offers you the possibility to be in a semi-integrated mode with the Moneris iPP320 terminal.
  1. Go to the setup window under the PIN Pad and activate the Semi-Integrated Payment Terminal option
  2. Select Moneris under Supplier
  3. Set the model as iPP320 TCP/IP
  4. Enter the terminal's IP address (It can be retrieved by pressing the Down arrow then the Up arrow on the terminal)
  5. Set the port number (1)
  6. Enter the terminal number (supplied by Moneris)
  7. Enter the merchant number (supplied by Moneris)
  8. Enter your merchant name (Must match the one sent to Moneris)
  9. Enter your store's street address
  10. Enter your store's postal address (Must match the one sent to Moneris)
The merchant name and address will be used for the transaction receipt header.